What do you paint ?
Empyrean consciousness expressing itself (or huge iridescent abstracts of the cosmos) : I use my oil paintings to create mandalaesque designs which I apply to various surfaces : Like space, my creations expands in all directions, off canvas onto clothes, ties, scarves, cushions, fabric, wallpaper, lampshades and objet, blurring the boundaries of art and design ☆
Where does your inspiration come from ?
I create from the heart, that is, I journey within to the source of my inspiration : For me art's a spiritual alchemy – the divine dance of bringing inspiration into being : I like to call it 'cosmosis' – subtly absorbed minglings with universal forces ☆
Explain what you mean by within ?
I paint from another place – where I go, I couldn't tell you : I 'drop down' there by letting go and stepping away from myself, but in that place, I am more myself than anywhere else : To borrow from Poet Laureate Pablo Neruda; while I am creating I am far away, and when I come back I have already gone ☆
So meditation's part of your creative process ?
Sort of, when one practices stillness and presence life becomes a walking meditation; everything flows : Our inspiration, intuition, inner voice, guidance, whatever you like to call it, gets louder the quieter we become – by quiet I mean calm and still inside ☆
So you're not easily distracted ?
To be an artist requires immense self discipline and focus : There’s no room for distraction when one is 'in the flow’ : Ideas are drawn to inspired action like fire flies fluttering against lit glass, all wanting to come in at once : Most lose patience and drift away, leaving only the very persistent ones to become ☆
Do you use mood boards to inspire you ?
Life inspires me : My passion is to see for myself, to know – to leave no stone unturned : I have a deep love for Mother Nature and her people, so I travel to explore, observe, absorb far flung places off the beaten track, rich in texture, colour&culture and new ideas : So life is my mood board – like Matisse, everywhere I go, I draw with my eyes : Everything I have ever lived pours out of me into my art ☆
Then you'd consider passion as integral to your process ?
Of course, Art, when created from the heart, is never mediocre : One must throw oneself wholeheartedly into creation : Dive in head first, naked : Float and frolick in its foam : Swirl in its glittering streams of sunlight and swim around its silken depths : Then behold what emerges ☆
Where do you create your art ?
Home is where the heart is, so there’s no better place to create from : My daughter Peony and I found a house large enough for all our big ideas, within a secret garden, walled and full of magic : A beautiful grade II listed National Trust manor house The Courts, Wiltshire, UK, circa 1730, surrounded by a magical garden that's open to the public : Our home's also Gallery Beautiful HQ : We work across the entire house : Our formal drawing rooms are showrooms displaying our pieces in an elegant home setting and most of the bedrooms have become studio spaces – Peony has her own art studio too ☆
What do you see and hear from your windows ?
The most enchanting garden in England The Courts National Trust Garden : It’s my joy, my solace, my inspiration : I try to start each day with a stroll in our garden noticing the detail of Mother Nature’s gifts : This moment of quietude and stillness brings peace to my whole day : Inspired ideas come from this peace ☆
Is it hard to switch off when you work from home ?
(Laughs) there’s no switching off, I’m an artist – life is art, art is life : Makers don’t just make things, we live and breathe them > READ MORE
Could you ever go back to working in an office 9-5 now?
I’ve never worked 9-5, even as an art director I worked long hours and weekends. I still do this, but now have the freedom to work remotely whenever I can and always be there for Peony, my raison d'être ☆
How did Gallery Beautiful come about ?
I'll tell you a love story : One typical British morning Art went for her usual dewy stroll : Lost in bird-song and fragrant thoughts of other worlds, she wandered : When all at once she saw a crowd, a golden host of Spirit, Integrity, Innovation, Style, Craftsmanship, Eccentricity, Whimsy and High-jinx : Well, it was fun at first sight, they just adored each other : Day soon leap-frogged away from them – by sunset were firm friends and had decided to live together, but not get married because Anarchy, Art's alter-ego didn't want to : They found a house large enough for all their big ideas within a secret garden, walled and full of magic : In no time they bore a child, but only one because they believed in Quality not quantity, and named her Gallery Beautiful ☆
Where does the name come from ?
Temple Beautiful was an ancient Egyptian centre of Spirit; the arts, meditation, healing and higher consciousness : Said to be housed within a pyramid adorned with constellations in opalescent hues where people elevated their consciousness by raising their creative energy through the senses : The temple didn't follow a religion – it simply provided a place for individuals to raise their own energy, nurture their own connection and in turn help their fellow man, hence our mantra : When within, no one without > TEMPLE BEAUTIFUL ☆
What's Temple Beautiful ?
Temple Beautiful's the mothership of Gallery Beautiful : It's a Centre of Spirit; the arts, meditation, healing and higher consciousness : It's a global network of magic makers, a place to share ideas, spread love, learn, heal and grow : Consciously connect with yourself, life & others to activate positive change – there’s power in numbers : It’s also our umbrella charity helping small sustainable NGOs make a big difference to deprived third world children, formed from my desire to #BeTheChange I wish to see in the world ☆
When you join #TribeBeautiful and buy our Gallery Beautiful pieces you're empowering many of the beautiful children I've met on my travels > BE LOVE
What change would you like to see in the world ?
I deeply wish for balance : For a beautiful world without borders and labels where all beings are respected : Where nature, animal and man coexist peacefully as humans work together, sustainably, for the greater good of all ☆
I’d like to see consumerism and spirit join hands, treading as gently as possible on this beautiful earth that doesn’t belong to us : Our bespoke pieces are ethical and sustainable, made locally to order encouraging our consumers to #BuyLess and love more : With awe and respect we take responsibility for our part, hoping to leave Mother Gaia as we found her with all her beauty intact ☆
Where can one see your art pieces ?
Clients may view + buy online, or in person by appointment at our salon style showroom : Contact or +44 (0) 1225 635 443